Primăria Galaţi a făcut un pas important în realizarea unui bazin modern de înot, atribuind primul contract pentru acest proiect finanţat de Compania Naţională de Investiţii (CNI), conform publicației locale Bursa. Contractul vizează realizarea utilităţilor şi viabilizarea terenului Asocierea Miad SRL – Galflor Instal Electric SRL – Expert Project Team SRL – Midarom Developing SRL […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the municipality of Galați has signed a contract for the construction of a modern swimming pool, a significant investment for the city.
The text highlights:
* Funding: The project is financed by the National Company of Investments (CNI).
* Contract scope: The first contract awarded covers the necessary utilities and land preparation for the pool.
* Key details: The pool will be semi-Olympic size, with a dedicated training area, spectator seating, gym facilities, and changing rooms.
* Estimated cost: The total investment is approximately 30 million lei.
Overall, the text emphasizes the commitment of the municipality to improving the city's infrastructure by building a modern swimming pool that will benefit both athletes and residents.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the municipality of Galați has signed a contract for the construction of a modern swimming pool, a significant investment for the city. The text highlights: * Funding: The project is financed by the National Company of Investments (CNI). * Contract scope: The first contract awarded covers the necessary utilities and land preparation for the pool. * Key details: The pool will be semi-Olympic size, with a dedicated training area, spectator seating, gym facilities, and changing rooms. * Estimated cost: The total investment is approximately 30 million lei. Overall, the text emphasizes the commitment of the municipality to improving the city's infrastructure by building a modern swimming pool that will benefit both athletes and residents.